Friday, March 22, 2013

Afternoon Speicals

Afternoon is an engaging time at Harmony.  We lay down for rest while listening to stories and music.  Afterward we have snack and choose work for a while and when the weather is nice we often end our day exploring outside.  Each afternoon teachers take turns leading specials.  Monday Mrs. Megan teaches science.  Tuesday and Friday Mrs. Michelle teaches yoga.  Wednesday and Thursday Mrs. Brooke teaches Spanish (with the help from her donkey puppet Diego). 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Party

Thursday and Friday we enjoyed a St. Patrick's Day Party at Harmony.  We played a Bingo game, made a leprechaun faces, created a St. Patrick's Day crown, and ate delicious green snacks!  Mrs. Brooke is a talented face painter, as you will notice in the pictures below.  Thank you to all of our parent volunteered who donated snack or their time to help out!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Ocean's Theme

We dove right into ocean's theme and have been learning so much about sea creatures, taste testing salt water and fresh water, using seashells to create sand, and discovering which objects sink or float.  Be sure to take a look at the ocean artwork our children have been creating. 

 Shaking seashells in water to simulate how crashing waves create sand.
Discovery Center: Will these objects sink or float?
 Of course there are many places to go fishing around the school!

 Creating fish books in the writing center.

Ready for the beach!

 School is a place to get messy!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Valentine's Day Party

Valentine's Day was full of love and harmony!  Each child invited a special guest to join them at the party to enjoy snacks, games, and crafts.  Thanks to all the parents who brought a snack to share and also help us with crafts and clean up.

We painted hearts to find a written secret message.

We got our hearts pumping in our bodies by dancing and playing a heart hopping game.